最后更新: 2020-04-25 财管二班赵翊楠 注释 0 0
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There had been many changes in my life and more were on the way. The first upset me greatly. My good friend, Captain, was bringing Jerry home from the station when an out-of- control brewer’s cart pulled by two shire horses smashed into him. It was terrifying, as Captain was dragged to the ground, then speared by a shaft from the cart.
The drayman, whose cart it was, was later charged with drunken driving, but that was no se to Captain. His injuries were so bad that he would never work a full day again.
Jerry could not afford to keep a horse that didn’t work, but he refused to sell Captain to someone else who might work him to death.
One sad day I was taken to the forge for new shoes. When I returned, my friend’s stable was empty. Captain had been shot to save him from further pain.
Shortly after that a new horse arrived. He was a fine looking animal called Hotspur. I missed Captain terribly but I gave Hotspur a warm welcome. At first he wasn’t very friendly. He’d come from a very posh home and was pining for his old life. Hotspur soon settled though. What horse wouldn’t with an owner as kind as Jerry?
Christmas came and went and we were very busy. The work was hard and we often waited long hours in the cold to carry people home from parties.
On New Year’s Eve, Jerry and I took two men to a card party in the West End. We were told to collect them at nine o’clock and although we arrived on time neither of the men were ready to leave. It was a wet and windy night and Jerry had a hard time keeping himself warm.
It was gone one o’clock when the men finally wanted their ride home. By then the weather had got to Jerry’s lungs and he was coughing badly. I was suffering too. My legs were numb with cold and it was a horrible journey for both of us. Jerry was an honest man and only charged the men what they owed but they were not pleased.
‘What a rip off!’ they grumbled.
By the time we got home, Jerry was coughing so badly he could hardly speak. In spite of this, he helped Polly to rub me down and feed me before he went indoors.
It was the last time I ever saw him.
Late the next morning, Harry came to see Hotspur and me. When he was done he left us in our stable as if it were a Sunday. Dolly came to visit us next and she was crying. Jerry, her dad, was very ill and the doctor had been called. Poor Jerry had chronic bronchitis and the doctor didn’t know if he would live. There followed many anxious days before Jerry began to get better.
Hotspur and I were beginning to suffer too. We were full of energy and bored with standing around in our stables. Luckily a good friend of Jerry’s began to use us and he even gave Jerry half of the money he earned. This was a big help to the family.
The next time the doctor came, there was more bad news. The doctor said that Jerry must give up driving a cab or he would die a young man. But what could he do instead? Jerry had to earn a living or his family would end up in a terrible place called the workhouse!
A week later Dolly came tearing into the stables where Harry was grooming me.
‘Guess what?’ she cried. ‘Mrs Fowler, the lady Mum used to work for, has offered Dad a job as a coachman. We’re going to live in the country in a cottage with a garden. And I’m going to school! There’s a job for you too. You’re going to be a gardener’s boy or a groom.’
‘Fantastic news!’ shouted Harry. ‘I’d love to be a groom. When can we move?’
This was very good news for the Barkers and I was pleased for them* But what of me? Jerry was the best owner I’d had since leaving Birtwick Park. I was no longer as fit as I’d been then. Who would want a horse like me?
Jerry’s friend, the one who was filling in for him, bought Hotspur. He also offered to find me a home. Jerry agreed, as long as I only went to a good owner.
Leaving day came too quickly. Jerry was still not allowed to go out in the cold but Polly and the children came to say goodbye.
‘Poor old Jack! We wish you could come with us,’ they sobbed.
Polly and Dolly kissed me and Harry stroked me gently. Then I was led away to my new place.











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