how surprised were you

最后更新: 2024-01-15 葛乃晟 注释 0 0
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how surprised were you
at the huge impact that monologue had
your speech in Barbie which
was already such a successful film
it was amazing to see how
it hit the audiences and what the responses were
I know that when
I first read the script
everything before and after including the monologue
we have to always be extraordinary
but somehow we’re
always doing it wrong
I know that I was just blown away
and it was all just so unexpected and
and as a woman I was just so excited
you know that
that you know
it’s the Barbie movie that no one asked for
that no one thought we needed you know
and and kind of subversively seriously feminist
yes and nobody believed that
they thought it was just gonna be another telling of a
of a really incredible doll that so many millions of
girls around the world played with
yeah and it could’ve been that
you know it very easily could have been something
bright and fun
and exciting and probably would have
made a lot of money and and been successful
but but what Greta and her partner Noah
did with the script and then Greta as the director
creating this world
it was so generous and it was so exciting
and you know as an adult woman mother
you know to get
a third of the way into the script
and then to meet this
this adult real flawed
you know insecure but having ambition
woman like struggling to be
so many things to so many different people
it was so exciting to feel
like we had a voice in the story and you know
I felt that way
independent of being asked to be a part of it
just as a woman in the world
so we played a little bit of that speech
what would you say
is the standout
like the standout message that you wanted and maybe now
really want
even more to get across to young girls and even men
yeah I mean
that’s the other
piece of the generosity of this is that
Greta and Noah
didn’t only make Ken the butt of the joke
everyone’s the butt of a joke at some point
they gave him a real reason to be in the story
they created a foil to the
to the women’s journey to the
journey about femininity and and
had this whole beautiful journey
about masculinity and what it means for this character
that Ryan Gosling
obviously played
with like Marlon Brando commitment
it was so amixed
yes and so amazing to watch
I do feel like the message is deeply universal
it’s not just for women or just for girls
it’s like we all lose when we live inside of these
boxes literal and imagined
at and that we all are yearning and wanting to be more
than the boxes that we get stuck in and we keep
ourselves in










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