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Part 1

How My Working Holiday Changed Me(2)

I Travelled

10 During my stay in Vancouver I managed to visit Seattle, Portland, Squamish and Whistler for weekends, but that was it.

11 But I couldn’t live in North America and not see more of it, so I saved up what I could (thanks mum and dad for the extra loan) and spent just under three months traversing Canada and the United States (with an afternoon in Mexico). I did a massive circle from Vancouver over to the East Coast, across Southern USA and up the West Coast.

12 I gained confidence with each stop and each hostel. I adored seeing a new city every few days. I loved walking around and capturing places with my new DSLR. I was proud of myself for constantly stepping out of my comfort zone and embracing the unknown. This solo adventure changed me in a lot of good ways, including ensuring my wanderlust is still running strong through me.

I Could Do It Again

13 My heart and my head are constantly torn between what they want in the future. Now that I have lived the expat life, I feel I’d like to do it again somewhere else in the world. It doesn’t have to be right now, but in the future I would love to live in a different country again — perhaps with a special someone by my side?

14 But then there is also the part of me that would like to have a home and nest for a while. I realised recently that in the past six years I have lived in six different houses. And although this doesn’t bother me much, I think settling down for a little bit wouldn’t be so bad. I am that girl who constantly browses craft and design blogs (hello, A Beautiful Mess) and has become obsessed with watching the Lifestyle channel on Australia’s version of cable. I imagine all the wonderful things I could do with my own apartment. Oh, and I kind of want a dog. Now that’s nesting.

Thank You, Working Holiday

15 My working holiday changed my perspective on life. It helped me to grow personally, have fun professionally and realise that I can do and be anything I desire. It allowed me to realise that from now on, I will always follow my heart and do what makes me happy. Thank you, Vancouver, for helping me become a better version of myself.











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