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US will defend Philippines if attacked in South China Sea: Blinken

By Reuters

Updated 0113 GMT (0913 HKT) August 7, 2022

US Secretary of State Antony Blinken assured the Philippines on Saturday that the United States would come to its defense if attacked in the South China Sea, seeking to allay concerns about the extent of the US commitment to a mutual defense treaty.

In meetings in Manila dominated by discussion on simmering US-China tensions over the Taiwan visit of US House of Representatives Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Blinken said a 70-year-old defense pact with the Philippines was “ironclad.”
“An armed attack on Philippine armed forces, public vessels and aircraft will invoke US mutual defense commitments under that treaty,” Blinken told a news conference.
“The Philippines is an irreplaceable friend, partner, and ally to the United States.”
Blinken was the most senior US official to meet new President Ferdinand Marcos Jnr., the son of the late strongman who Washington helped to flee into exile in Hawaii during a 1986 “people power” uprising that ended his two-decade rule.
In opening remarks to Blinken, Marcos sought to downplay the diplomatic flare-up over Taiwan and said he believed Pelosi’s trip “did not raise the intensity” of a situation that was already volatile.
“We have been at that level for a good while, but we have sort of got used to the idea,” Marcos said.

The Philippines is a fulcrum of the geopolitical rivalry between the US and China and Marcos faces a tricky challenge in balancing ties between the two major powers.
He will also face domestic pressure to stand up to China in the South China Sea, without angering its leadership.
US-Philippines ties were shaken by predecessor Rodrigo Duterte’s overtures towards China, his famous anti-US rhetoric and threats to downgrade their military ties.
On Saturday, Philippine Foreign Secretary Enrique Manalo said President Joe Biden had invited Marcos to Washington, and both sides were working on a suitable date.
Marcos has not been to the US in more than a decade, due largely to a contempt of court order for his refusal to cooperate with a Hawaii court, which in 1995 ordered the Marcos family to return $2 billion of missing state wealth to victims of abuses by the state under his father’s rule.
Marcos Jnr. and mother, Imelda, also face a $353 million fine.
The US embassy in Manila has said heads of state have diplomatic immunity.
Manalo said Washington was an important ally, but concerning nearby Taiwan he told Blinken the Philippines “looks at the big powers to help calm the waters.”
“We can ill afford any further escalation of tensions,” he said.



“We can ill afford any further escalation of tensions,” he said.


[备注] ill afford  无法承受

注释者:葛乃晟 最后更新: 2022-08-08

“The Philippines is an irreplaceable friend, partner, and ally to the United States.”


[备注] irreplaceable  无可取代;不能替换的;不可替代的

注释者:葛乃晟 最后更新: 2022-08-08

“An armed attack on Philippine armed forces, public vessels and aircraft will invoke US mutual defense commitments under that treaty,”


[备注] invoke v.调用;激活;援引;提及

注释者:葛乃晟 最后更新: 2022-08-08

US-Philippines ties were shaken by predecessor Rodrigo Duterte’s overtures towards China, his famous anti-US rhetoric and threats to downgrade their military ties.

[释义]前总统罗德里戈·杜特尔特(Rodrigo Duterte)向中国示好、发表著名的反美言论,并威胁降低两国军事关系,这些都动摇了美菲关系。

[备注] overtures n.建议;开端;【乐】序曲;前奏曲 示好
downgrade their military ties 降低两国军事关系

注释者:葛乃晟 最后更新: 2022-08-08

the United States would come to its defense if attacked in the South China Sea, seeking to allay concerns about the extent of the US commitment to a mutual defense treaty.


[备注] come to its defense 采取防御措施 allay concerns about 缓解担忧  a mutual defense treaty 共同防御条约

注释者:葛乃晟 最后更新: 2022-08-08

The Philippines is a fulcrum of the geopolitical rivalry between the US and China


[备注] fulcrum n.支轴;(活动、情况的)最重要部分
geopolitical rivalry  地缘政治竞争

注释者:葛乃晟 最后更新: 2022-08-08

Manalo said Washington was an important ally, but concerning nearby Taiwan he told Blinken the Philippines “looks at the big powers to help calm the waters.”


[备注] big powers 大国

注释者:葛乃晟 最后更新: 2022-08-08

Blinken said a 70-year-old defense pact with the Philippines was “ironclad.”


[备注] ironclad adj.铁定的;不容置疑的

注释者:葛乃晟 最后更新: 2022-08-08








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