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A Visit to Elderly People Brings Them Great Laughter and Joy

Students from the School of Physics took part in a volunteer activity organized by the Student Union to assist elderly people in the neighborhood this weekend, bringing them great laughter and joy.

With the increasing awareness of the aging of population, the whole society sets out to take better care of and show more respect for our senior citizens for their lifelong dedication and commitment to our society. In response to the call, this weekend a group of volunteers went to the local community to communicate with the elderly and help them with some housework. Much pleased at their coming, all the elderly people expressed their sincere thanks for young volunteers’ company. In the light of many adult children not being able to visit their aging parents frequently, many old people have to endure loneliness. Thus, what matters most to than is the company and listening attentively is just a good idea.

The Student Union expressed their willingness to sponsor more meaningful activities like this to serve our society with college students’ passion and talents.



With the increasing awareness of the aging of population


注释者:徐杭航 最后更新: 2021-03-27

The Student Union expressed their willingness to sponsor more meaningful activities like this to serve our society with college students’ passion and talents.


注释者:徐杭航 最后更新: 2021-03-27

Students from the School of Physics took part in a volunteer activity organized by the Student Union to assist elderly people in the neighborhood this weekend, bringing them great laughter and joy.


注释者:徐杭航 最后更新: 2021-03-27

sets out to take better care of and show more respect for our senior citizens for their lifelong dedication and commitment to our society.


注释者:徐杭航 最后更新: 2021-03-27

In the light of many adult children not being able to visit their aging parents frequently, many old people have to endure loneliness.


注释者:徐杭航 最后更新: 2021-03-27



[备注] 美 [ˈkʌmpəni]
英 [ˈkʌmpəni]
n. 公司;陪伴,同伴;连队;演出团;宾客
vi. <古>交往
vt. <古>陪伴
n. (Company)(美、瑞)孔帕尼(人名)
public company
listed company

注释者:徐杭航 最后更新: 2021-03-27



[备注] 美 [əˈtentɪvli]
英 [əˈtentɪvli]
adv. 注意地;聚精会神地;周到地
attentively ad
listen attentively

注释者:徐杭航 最后更新: 2021-03-27








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