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World Down Syndrome Day 21 March

Down Syndrome

Down syndrome occurs when an individual has an extra partial (or whole) copy of chromosome 21. It is not yet know why this syndrome occurs, but Down syndrome has always been a part of the human condition. It exists in all regions across the globe and commonly results in variable effects on learning styles, physical characteristics and health.

Adequate access to health care, to early intervention programmes, and to inclusive education, as well as appropriate research, are vital to the growth and development of the individual.

In December 2011, the General Assembly declared 21 March as World Down Syndrome Day (A/RES/66/149). The General Assembly decided, with effect from 2012, to observe World Down Syndrome Day on 21 March each year. In order to raise public awareness of Down syndrome, the General Assembly invites all Member States, relevant organizations of the United Nations system and other international organizations, as well as civil society, including non-governmental organizations and the private sector, to observe World Down Syndrome Day in an appropriate manner.


The estimated incidence of Down syndrome is between 1 in 1,000 to 1 in 1,100 live births worldwide. Each year, approximately 3,000 to 5,000 children are born with this chromosome disorder.

The quality of life of people with Down syndrome can be improved by meeting their health care needs, including regular check-ups with health professionals to monitor mental and physical condition and to provide timely intervention be it physiotherapy, occupational therapy, speech therapy, counselling or special education. Individuals with Down syndrome can achieve optimal quality of life through parental care and support, medical guidance, and community based support systems such as inclusive education at all levels. This facilitates their participation in mainstream society and the fulfillment of their personal potential.

“We Decide”

For World Down Syndrome Day 2020, Down Syndrome International focuses on the theme “We Decide”: all people with Down syndrome should have full participation in decision making about matters relating to, or affecting, their lives. Effective and meaningful participation is a core human rights principle supported by the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD).

The overall aim of the events is to:

Show how effective and meaningful participation of persons with Down syndrome can be achieved via accessible information and communication, good support and inclusive consultation;
Empower persons with Down syndrome, those supporting them and their representative organisations, to advocate for effective and meaningful participation;
Reach out to key stakeholders, including education, health and social care professionals, employers, community and public bodies, the wider disability movement, media and the wider community to disseminate this message and bring about change.



“We Decide”


注释者:谢俊涛 最后更新: 2020-03-20

World Down Syndrome Day


注释者:谢俊涛 最后更新: 2020-03-20

vital to


注释者:谢俊涛 最后更新: 2020-03-20



[备注] 美 [ˈvaɪə; ˈviːə]
英 [ˈvaɪə; ˈviːə]
prep. 经由,通过;凭借,借助于
VIA Nano
VIA Labs

注释者:谢俊涛 最后更新: 2020-03-20

United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities


注释者:谢俊涛 最后更新: 2020-03-20

those supporting them and their representative organisations, to advocate for effective and meaningful participation


注释者:谢俊涛 最后更新: 2020-03-20

The overall aim of the events is to


注释者:谢俊涛 最后更新: 2020-03-20

The estimated incidence of


注释者:谢俊涛 最后更新: 2020-03-20

speech therapy


[备注] n. 语言障碍矫正;言语治疗
Speech therapy
Speech and Hearing Therapy
Speech Therapy Department

注释者:谢俊涛 最后更新: 2020-03-20

relevant organizations


注释者:谢俊涛 最后更新: 2020-03-20

regular check-ups


注释者:谢俊涛 最后更新: 2020-03-20

Reach out to


注释者:谢俊涛 最后更新: 2020-03-20

raise public awareness of


注释者:谢俊涛 最后更新: 2020-03-20

public bodies


注释者:谢俊涛 最后更新: 2020-03-20

provide timely intervention


注释者:谢俊涛 最后更新: 2020-03-20

private sector


注释者:谢俊涛 最后更新: 2020-03-20



[备注] 美 [ˌfɪziəʊˈθerəpi]
英 [ˌfɪziəʊˈθerəpi]
n. 物理疗法
Physiotherapy Deparment
Physiotherapy room

注释者:谢俊涛 最后更新: 2020-03-20

personal potential


注释者:谢俊涛 最后更新: 2020-03-20

optimal quality of life


注释者:谢俊涛 最后更新: 2020-03-20



注释者:谢俊涛 最后更新: 2020-03-20

occupational therapy


[备注] [临床] 职业疗法
occupational therapy
Occupational l Therapy
Occupational Insurance Therapy

注释者:谢俊涛 最后更新: 2020-03-20

non-governmental organizations


注释者:谢俊涛 最后更新: 2020-03-20



注释者:谢俊涛 最后更新: 2020-03-20

Member States


注释者:谢俊涛 最后更新: 2020-03-20

meeting their health care needs


注释者:谢俊涛 最后更新: 2020-03-20

making about matters relating to, or affecting, their lives.


注释者:谢俊涛 最后更新: 2020-03-20

mainstream society


注释者:谢俊涛 最后更新: 2020-03-20

live births


[备注] n. 婴儿安全出生
live births

注释者:谢俊涛 最后更新: 2020-03-20

key stakeholders


注释者:谢俊涛 最后更新: 2020-03-20

It is not yet know why


注释者:谢俊涛 最后更新: 2020-03-20



注释者:谢俊涛 最后更新: 2020-03-20

inclusive education


[备注] 全纳教育
Inclusive Education
inclusive preschool education
language inclusive classroom education

注释者:谢俊涛 最后更新: 2020-03-20

In order to


注释者:谢俊涛 最后更新: 2020-03-20

in an appropriate manner


注释者:谢俊涛 最后更新: 2020-03-20

growth and development of the individual


注释者:谢俊涛 最后更新: 2020-03-20

General Assembly


注释者:谢俊涛 最后更新: 2020-03-20

full participation in


注释者:谢俊涛 最后更新: 2020-03-20



注释者:谢俊涛 最后更新: 2020-03-20

focuses on the theme


注释者:谢俊涛 最后更新: 2020-03-20

extra partial


注释者:谢俊涛 最后更新: 2020-03-20



注释者:谢俊涛 最后更新: 2020-03-20

Empower persons with Down syndrome


注释者:谢俊涛 最后更新: 2020-03-20

early intervention programmes


注释者:谢俊涛 最后更新: 2020-03-20

Down Syndrome


注释者:谢俊涛 最后更新: 2020-03-20



[备注] 美 [dɪˈsemɪneɪt]
英 [dɪˈsemɪneɪt]
vt. 宣传,传播;散布
vi. 散布;广为传播
disseminate manner
civilization disseminate

注释者:谢俊涛 最后更新: 2020-03-20

counselling or special education.


注释者:谢俊涛 最后更新: 2020-03-20

core human rights principle


注释者:谢俊涛 最后更新: 2020-03-20

copy of chromosome 21


注释者:谢俊涛 最后更新: 2020-03-20

commonly results in


注释者:谢俊涛 最后更新: 2020-03-20

civil society


[备注] 公民社会;民间团体
Civil Society
civil l society
China Civil Engineering Society

注释者:谢俊涛 最后更新: 2020-03-20

chromosome disorder


[备注] chromosome disorder
neonatal chromosome disorder
Explorations of Chromosome Disorder

注释者:谢俊涛 最后更新: 2020-03-20

bring about change


注释者:谢俊涛 最后更新: 2020-03-20

born with


[备注] 与生俱来
born with
Im Born with
Not Born With Confidence

注释者:谢俊涛 最后更新: 2020-03-20



注释者:谢俊涛 最后更新: 2020-03-20



注释者:谢俊涛 最后更新: 2020-03-20

appropriate research


注释者:谢俊涛 最后更新: 2020-03-20

always been a part of the human condition


注释者:谢俊涛 最后更新: 2020-03-20

all regions across the globe


注释者:谢俊涛 最后更新: 2020-03-20

Adequate access to health care


注释者:谢俊涛 最后更新: 2020-03-20








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