
最后更新: 2020-11-19 谢俊涛 注释 16 1
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Script 3
F: Did you know that Denmark is one of the happiest countries in the world?
M: Denmark? That’s hard to believe.
F: Why?
M: Well, I heard that people pay really high taxes there, right? Like 60%?
F: Yep, that’s right. But this gives people free health care and education. Good health and education are important to them.
M: Okay …
F: Oh, and another reason why Danes are happier than most people: 95% of them are members of a club or organization.
M: 95%? That’s a lot.
F: It’s true. Oh, and 30% of Danes also volunteer to help other people.
M: Wow, that’s great.
F: And most people have good jobs. And their working hours are quite short. Most people only work 37 hours each week, and they usually have six weeks of vacation every year.
M: That sounds really good.
F: Yeah, and people all over the country, even in Copenhagen — the capital city — are surrounded by nature. They get lots of fresh air and exercise. In fact, almost 30% bike to work.
M: But I hear that winters in Denmark are really long and dark.
F: Well … the people enjoy them. They have a special word in their language — “hygge.” It means “the art of relaxing in a warm and cozy place.” That’s what they do.
M: Amazing. I understand now why people are so happy there!



warm and cozy place


注释者:谢俊涛 最后更新: 2020-11-19

volunteer to help


[备注] Volunteer to help
Volunteer to help others
I volunteer to help him

注释者:谢俊涛 最后更新: 2020-11-19

the art of relaxing


注释者:谢俊涛 最后更新: 2020-11-19

That’s hard to believe.


注释者:谢俊涛 最后更新: 2020-11-19

That’s a lot.


[备注] 那太多了

注释者:谢俊涛 最后更新: 2020-11-19

surrounded by nature


[备注] Surrounded By Nature

注释者:谢俊涛 最后更新: 2020-11-19

sounds really good.


注释者:谢俊涛 最后更新: 2020-11-19

six weeks of vacation


注释者:谢俊涛 最后更新: 2020-11-19

really long and dark.


注释者:谢俊涛 最后更新: 2020-11-19

quite short.


注释者:谢俊涛 最后更新: 2020-11-19

people all over the country


注释者:谢俊涛 最后更新: 2020-11-19

pay really high taxes


注释者:谢俊涛 最后更新: 2020-11-19

members of a club or organization.


注释者:谢俊涛 最后更新: 2020-11-19

lots of fresh air and exercise


注释者:谢俊涛 最后更新: 2020-11-19

free health care and education


注释者:谢俊涛 最后更新: 2020-11-19



[备注] 美 [əˈmeɪzɪŋ]
英 [əˈmeɪzɪŋ]
adj. 令人惊异的
v. 使吃惊(amaze的ing形式)

注释者:谢俊涛 最后更新: 2020-11-19








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