Chapter 11 Coming home A few days later Archibald Craven returned to Misselthwaite Manor. He didn’t ...

◆ ◆ ◆ In a land far, far from Yorkshire, Archibald Craven woke from his dream with a start. It had ...

Chapter 10 Ben Weatherstaff Ben Weatherstaff was never one for orders and the latest one was plain d ...

Chapter 9 The newborn lamb The next morning Mary told Dickon all about Colin’s tantrum. ‘Poor lad,’ ...

◆ ◆ ◆ Never come sooner than Mary thought. In the middle of the night, she was awoken by Martha sha ...

Chapter 8 A tantrum By the Monday, the rain had cleared and Mary couldn’t wait to get outside. Nice ...

Chapter 7 Can you keep a secret? ‘Oh, Miss! Oh, Miss!’ Martha cried when Mary told her about Colin. ...

Chapter 6 The cry in the corridor The rain began again that night. It beat against the window, wakin ...

Chapter 5 Dickon A few days later, DIckon was waiting for her as she crossed the grounds between the ...

Chapter 4 The secret garden The next morning Mary was already buttoning up her coat when Martha arri ...




